Well, a couple of months ago I blogged a bit about a mood board I had started - with an organic theme. It's been long since finished - but my bride only collected recently - and I didn't want to plaster it all over my blog before she had seen it; that just wouldn't be right!
I thoroughly enjoyed putting this board together. I love it when I can produce something original and very personal to the bride's wishes. A mood board plastered in bark? A little odd sounding, but not when you start thinking silver birch and pearls. Add some gorgeous moss, sparkle and tones of cinnamon, chocolate and mink - and we're getting somewhere.
The overall board
Strips of silver birch, with natural, cinnamon and chocolate pearls. Swatches of mink and coffee taffeta - just lovely!
What a cool idea! How natural and charming - nailing individual gilt frames to a tree.
Gorgeous pearls and AB finish crystals to pink up the hues of green.
Oh how I love this dress! So flattering and the most perfect colour for this theme.
Big leaf vibrant green foliage adds natural glossy brightness to a woody theme.
I do believe my bride went away happy. Thank you Jo - I love your style!